Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 8: Picture of your friends

I have been so blessed to have some amazing friends in my day. I haven't done the best job at being a friend, but I have learned some rather important lessons about relationships and friendships and try to be a better friend. I consider friends to be my extended family. I can't live without these people!!!
Of course, my best friend Cory! We started off as friends and have been having fun ever since!

One of my very dearest friends Natalie, we were roomies in college.

My supervisor at my last unit, also my coastie bestie

My sister in law and brother in law.

Erin and Jess, some Louisiana ladies I love!

My partner in crime in Louisiana, Nicole, aka T

The friend I have loved the longest, Lis and her husband JD.  (Hi Lis!) She is not only an amazing mom and wife,  but the greatest friend a girl could ask for! A girl's girl all around :)

Mostly Lis' friends, but I can claim Natalie in this one :) New Year's Eve 2008

My besties in California. Mary, Tory and Melissa. Circa 2008
This is my friend Candice, one of the best moms I know and a total sweetheart of a person! I hope you all have a Candice in your lives!

1 comment:

  1. Great post and thanks - you are so sweet!! :) We LOVE you!!!!!

    How about I am still working on this post! HA! I'm so behind!!!


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